In this post we are giving you a list of useful words with their meanings which can be used in your daily life, Build English Vocabulary.
Symposium - A formal conference for an exchange of ideas
Collaboration - A job done by several People working together
Synopsis - A summary giving a general view of the whole
Corroborate - To conform by testimony
Syllable - Combination of several letters into a single sound
Synchronism - Simultaneous occurrence of several events .
Symmetry - The harmony of corresponding parts
Synod - A meeting of Christean ministers
A meeting place for Jewish worship
Syndicate - A body of men chosen
Symposium - A formal conference for an exchange of ideas
Collaboration - A job done by several People working together
Synopsis - A summary giving a general view of the whole
Corroborate - To conform by testimony
Syllable - Combination of several letters into a single sound
Synchronism - Simultaneous occurrence of several events .
Symmetry - The harmony of corresponding parts
Synod - A meeting of Christean ministers
A meeting place for Jewish worship
Syndicate - A body of men chosen
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