The Following IELTS Tips and Tricks, and Study hints tips will help you in the weeks leading up to the IELTS.
- Become familiar with the test as early as possible. The Skills being tested in the IELTS take time to build up. Cramming is not an effective study techniques for IELTS.
- Use your study time efficiently. Study when you are fresh and after you have planned a timetable, make sure that you keep to it. Set goals and ensure that you have adequate breaks. In the IELTS test, each of the four Band Modules-Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking - carries the same weight. Study each skill carefully and spend more time on the skill in which you feel you are weak.
- Be aware of the exact procedure for the test. Be very clear on the order of each section, its length and the specific question types.
- There are many resources available to help you practise the skill.
- Having a study partner or a study group is an excellent idea. Other students may raise issues that you have not considered.
- Seek help from teacher, friends, and native speaker.
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